2019 Project Management Workshop Series – Project Management Leadership with David Barrett

Power Skills

 May 8 2019 Image 3

PMI Wichita is proud to present the first event in our 2019 Project Management Workshop Series! Join us on Wednesday May 8th for a full day workshop with guest speaker David Barrett. Now is your chance to brush up on your Project Management skills with nationally renowned expert David Barrett, who will share his expertise, deliver tips you can put to work immediately, and will give away copies of his latest books.

This workshop will focus on leadership for project manager - the skills, attributes and knowledge that we should have to allow us to succeed at this exciting role. You will walk away practical tips and knowledge including:

  • Learn what an Authenticity Leader is
  • Learn about and embrace Your Leadership Style
  • Understand the Importance of the 'Sponsor Relationship'
  • Learn how to be a Good Motivator
  • Learn how to be a Good Delegator
  • Learn how to be a Good Communicator
  • Learn how to be a good at Connecting with the People

Register now for Early Bird savings! Register 3 of more people from your company and you will get a group discount!

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Events

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: May 8th, 2019

Hour: 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Registration close date: May 7th, 2019 at 11:30PM

# of PDUs: 8


Student: $400.00

Member Adults: $400.00

Non-member Adults: $400.00


Marcus Welcome Center @ WSU