You have many options to contact us. You may use the form on this page to contact our chapter. You may also send email directly to any board member (click the link to the Board of Directors page under the Contact Us menu). Or you can mail your questions and comments to the mailing address below.

Please note that we are a volunteer organization and may not always be able to respond to every inquiry immediately.  We appreciate your understanding.

Mailing Address: 
Wichita PMI Chapter 
PO Box 48873
Wichita, KS  67201

Contact Us

You have many options to contact us. You may use the form on this page to contact our chapter. You may also send email directly to our Board of Directors. Or you can mail your questions and comments to the mailing address below. Please note that we are a volunteer organization and may not always be able to respond to every inquiry immediately.  We appreciate your understanding.

Send us a Message


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Contact Information

PO Box 48873 Wichita, KS 67201